Monday, October 24, 2011

Using our Voice: Reflecting on our life and the important things

Using our Voice: Reflecting on our life and the important things: As I move on with my Monday I am hit with an important thought. We all have to determine what is important to each ones of us. As we are for...

Reflecting on our life and the important things

As I move on with my Monday I am hit with an important thought. We all have to determine what is important to each ones of us. As we are fortunate enough to live in a free country and have the freedom to pick and choose the things we include in our life. I for one are so thankful for family and friends that are in my life and there  for me. I am so lucky to have God in my life and have a great relationship with him.

As we move thru our day remember what you consider important in your life. What really matters to you, what really brings you joy, what comforts you when you are down? Are they material things, the new car, the designer clothes, the new electronics? Or is the time with your loved ones, the moment spent with your children and/or precious grandchild, the hug from your love one, or the I Love you from a child in the early morning or a hug or even a hi from your grandchild.  These special moments are so touching and such a wonderful blessing. I must also include in mine the purring of a cat as it moves close to you and wants your caress and sits there by you as you drop tears down your face. Of course also a loving look from a puppy dog as it waits your attention and just wants you to pet it. The glaring look as you enter your home and the dog or cat just wants to see you.

These things that are so precious are such a blessing. I find such joy in these things. They bring such comfort and joy to my heart and provide such relieve in my life. This interaction with my loved ones and my precious pets are such pleasures that can't be bought. They must be invested in and treated with respect. As you go thru your day and as you feel down, up or wherever you are just remember your important things.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The one and only you

I am so thrilled it is beginning to cool off a little at a time. I can't wait for cooler weather and fall. It's refreshing and inviting to have cooler weather especially in a state that is usually hot or at least warm most of the time. 

I happened up on this today and thought it was definitely worth sharing..

The world only gets one you.
You with your gifts.
You with your smile.
You with those things you do.
So take your place,
take your chances,
take this moment to know...
Youve got something to offer.
Something good and right and true.
Something God-given,
Heart-of-Heaven created.
And the rest of us need it, need you.
Oh, you think its no big deal.
Anyone could be that way.
Anyone could do it.
Not true.
Theres just one irreplaceable you.
-God's Heart for You: Embracing Your True Worth as a Woman
We all must value our self and remember we all have a purpose, one that we don't even now we have yet. 
I find it refreshing and inviting to know that I can be used to do wonderful things that God has planned for me. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questioning others

If you have ever been married or seriously involved with someone and or questioned a teenager, you have experienced a small taste of interrogation. I have always liked the mystery detective type things and decoding all the parts or information to determine the truth in the facts of what has happened. I find it very interesting to dig into a story and to determine what and how things have happened. IT is something some people just enjoy doing and have a knack for.

The art of interrogation is quite a skill and if lucky enough an inborn talent and skill that one can have. The learned technique of talking to and interrogating an individual is not the bullying and threatening that some might think. IT is a way to talk to and to question, to get the person to talk to you, to get the person within the mind set that you are there listening. Depending on the situation and or ordeal, there are numerous techniques to accomplish what one is looking for. It can be quite personal at times but yet the interrogator has to separate that out and do the task at hand. Being able to become the person interrogating and manage all the conversation is quite draining but a worthy accomplishment when it works well. IT is amazing to me the things that people will talk about and will bring up in that type of situation. The tug and pull and the prying and questioning that takes place is a art of dancing few rarely see. If you have ever wondered what happens to someone that has caused a violation and or been arrested, you would be amazed at what all goes into it. The interrogator will begin to prepare. Let me tell you for the most part there is a group of interrogators working on facts and preparing the needed things to perform the interrogation needed for the situation.

It is task only some can do to properly interrogate and accomplish what needs to be done. Next time if you watch a questioning that might be shown on tv or thru a book or online, pay attention to the dance that is done and to the skill of the interrogator(s).

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fall is here

Fall is here for most of the country, along with the windy and rainy weather my part of the country receives, we are also receiving quite a few rain storms and some threats of hurricanes. This time of year it is common to have this kind of weather. Thankfully along with that we do receive some cooler from time to time. Tonight is one of those such nights. As I walked outside and feel the damp cooler weather, I am reminded of fall nights. I remember attending quite a few football games and or basketball games during weather such as this. The crispness to the air is refreshing and a welcome change. I love this time of year where the weather cools and the air seems to become more welcoming. I could just sit outside in it at dawn and night time just enjoying the night. I love the cool breezes that will touch one from time to time. What a joy it is to grab a blanket and curl up in a chair and enjoy the coolness. It makes me yearn for the winter as it will be here sometime either in next couple of months or so.

What a blessing we have to have the freedom to enjoy the pleasures of the our life, which include the weather and the enjoyment of coolness, heat, sometimes rain and snow. Whatever the weather is try to enjoy all the moments in your life. For over an hour this afternoon the electricity went out at my place so I just grabbed a book and listened to my ipod while we waited. It was peaceful and quite for the most part. I forget how pleasing the quietness can be. What joys we have all around us, it is just up to us to enjoy and create all the special moments in our life. Along with that we need the time to recover and regenerate ourselves. Whatever that is for you remember how important it is to continue to carry on with your life in serenity in the way it should go.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

days of our life

With the anniversary of Katrina just over 6 years now, I so remember the days of the hurricane and aftermath so well. As I had always heard stories of Hurricane Camille that hit this same area, I had no way to grasp what it all meant until I went through Katrina. The things we experienced, things we saw, heard, witnessed and visions that stick in our mind today. There isn't enough words to explain the feelings and array of emotions that one experiences when going through an event such as that. Even now the feelings of doom headed our way and mother nature showing her true colors. Watching metal chimneys fall off of roofs and trees dance so violently in the wind. The rain that seemed to go sideways and power lines snapping and items being thrown through the air. We were thrust into a world of days ago with no electricity and not sure of cleanliness of water. The aw sound of silence in the middle of a town at night. The terrible heat that swelled to 90 something during the day. During times as this the strong prevail and forge forward, luckily the weak are usually provided some help. But even the strong are highly affected. Who wouldn't be going through a tragedy such as Katrina. Thankfully for help of family, neighbors, strangers and charitable organizations we make it through. It certainly taught us, changed us and impacted us. As I reflect back I am so blessed to have had help and family during this time.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sour Lemons

If you have never had a sour lemon you are in for a treat. It is so tart and sour too. Needless to say I wouldn't suggest having sour lemons. As it goes lemons are mainly referring to getting a lemon for a car. But if you think about it there are other ways to also have sour lemons, whether it be people in your life that are that way, or a job that is that way for you. Unfortunately having sour lemons isn't just for the poor or the uneducated, it is also for the rich and the educated. It dos not discriminate, it is for all. I highly suggest that if you find yourself stuck with a lemon that you do what you can to get rid of the lemon and work to have more enjoyable people, jobs and or things in your life.  Of course that can be easier said than done but anything worth doing is worth the effort.  A lot of successful people whether it be just successful in your own life, or successful in career and or successful in wealth, lest not forget successful with God in your life, learn the task of weeding out the sour lemons early on. Having the good insight to recognize the sour lemon and then to work to get it out of your life is a good trait indeed.  As they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. Well I would take it one step forward and say make the best of it which in turn is usually getting rid of all sour lemons. As all fruit the sour fruit is no good and a lot less tasty and yuckier than the fresh ripe fruit. So with that analogy I would say pick your fruit wisely as well as pick the people, job, and influences in your life. All things we surround ourselves with do influence us and have such an impact on us. So add that comedy in your life, or add that encouraging music, book and or people that uplift you and add to your life. Stop all the sour lemons and live a fresher happier life.

Friday, August 19, 2011

~~~~Standing up~~~~

What did Jesus do when coming to earth? If you think back on his life on earth, his birth began with a great celebration in a manger as it should have. Then he continued on and began to witness to people and teach as he knew he should. He stood up to many and taught another way and the only way. Not only did he teach he totally practiced what he preached. He was such a good example for what we should be and he did what should be done. Even  against the odds and against all the waves he did what was needed to be done and spoke up as he knew he should. When times get tough and one feels that you are needed to stand or needed to do the right thing against the odds, remember what Jesus did and what opposition he faced but continued on the journey. If you have read many of my blogs you know that I so encourage standing up for yourself and others and also doing the right thing. I personally find it a shock when one needs to stand up and they don't. It just seems like only one choice to stand up. I don't get the not standing up. I always want to do what God wants me to do and strive hard to do that. So in wrapping take time when it is tough and times are hard or one is facing whether to stand up remember what Jesus and his teachings taught us. Today remember others are facing their own set of problems as we each do. Some more than others. So be kind and compassionate but also stand when time comes. I encourage everyone to take care of yourself and do what needs to be done for your loved ones and ones that need it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

TGIF,,, love fridays,,

As I set here writing, I've put in my earbuds and listening to music. What a way to cheer yourself up and get some motivation. Music can do so much good to make one laugh, cry, sing, start moving dancing,, what a way to get one motivated and forget about your troubles. I love the way a favorite song and or a favorite musician will make you feel. I find it interesting the songs we choose to be our favorites. There are so many talented artists that can convey such emotions and brings your mind to times past. IT is such a memorable way to experience life. I love songs that have a stand up kind of story and is helping people do what they may want to do or need to do. Of course I enjoy the ones that women in particular do what they need to but also the upstanding guy doing the right thing. I'm from the south so it's not like we don't have an attitude from time to time but we also have a love for family and doing the right thing just because that's the way it is. There comes times when you just know what needs to be done and you do it against the odds and when no one may be standing up against it. I find such encouragement with music and voices that can convey such a welcome voice and words you need at that time.

I find myself enjoying the male artist that are tender hearted but stand up for the underdog or their family that kind of John Wayne way. IT is refreshing to see such people who shoot straight and say what is on their mind and stick to each word they say. How much easier it would if more people were like that all the time? I know each has there own way to live and to choice what way to go. I respect someone that says what they think and the things they stand for. The muscians that are country and rock n roll mix are usually a draw for me. The honesty and the little bit or alot of attitude in that is such a thing I highly enjoy. Now I love a slow song that has alot meaning and will touch you emotionally too. It is so inspiring to have music that can do all that. So in closing let me say enjoy your day and the moments and the things that inspire you.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

LIfe as it goes

I was pleased to hear today that a person on trial for abusing some children was found sentenced to life plus 20 years to serve in jail. I was pleased to see that his criminal behavior caught up with him and now he must pay a price. It is not only disgusting and so ridiculous that anyone would abuse a child but it is highly against any justice for the victim. Anyone that would make their own wants over what a child needs is not a good human being. I see most adults take on the duty of raising and taking care of children as it should be. Once you have ever held a baby in your arms and nursed a bobo with a bandaid for a child you know how much trust they put in adults and are so very vulnerable to mistreatment. That is why it is so against human nature and "the right thing to do" to mistreat a child and break that trust that is put upon one. We all were a child at one time and if you think back and remember the carefree way of a child and how dependent a child is upon the adult, you will realize how important it is for adults to do the right thing and act accordingly. So as I wrap up this writing I urge all adults to do the right thing and take care of the child as they should be or if need be be willing to seek help or as last resort let someone else take care of the child if you are unable. There are plenty of adults that wish to have a child and are willing to help and or raise a child. We all must speak up for the children and train them in a way where they speak up when they need to. Protecting the children and providing them a safe environment has to be a must!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

August, one of the hottest months in the South

As usual the hottest months in the South is usually August, but this year seems to be beating all the odds. From recent days the temps happening all around the U.S. seems to be going up higher than ever before. In some states we are used to the hot and humid late summer, but for some it is not their usual. As we all try to combat the hot hot August, I remember the ways we played in the sprinkler as a child, or went to the river or a friends pool if we were lucky enough to fight off the heat. Workers her in the south are being asked to take longer breaks if they work outside or in the heat in a non air conditioned building. It is amazingly humid and hot like a stove when one steps outside. Thank goodness their is air condition, my daughter ask me the other day how did they handle this heat before a/c. I told her they learned to deal with it and do things in the cooler part of the day. It has been said that the U.S. states were more equal once a/c were implemented across the U.S. The south and states known for heat during summer and longer springs and summer months than most were than about to have more opportunity. As bad as it is for us now just imagine how bad it would be if we did not have any a/c. It's the small things in life that make a big difference and remembering the blessings we have in life.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekend,, so sweet

As weekends go this has been a good one. I like weekends anyway but when it is peaceful and goes well that is a plus. Besides a slight detour after visiting a restaurant and a coffee drink and I did not get along so well the rest of the weekend has gone well. It is such a shame when food or drink you buy is either not up to par or all steps to prepare it were not followed as thoroughly as it should have, Thankfully it has finally passed and I can enjoy the weekend. As I noticed the green grass, blue sky and the colors of nature today I realize how blessed I am to have such freedoms and moments in life to enjoy. As I heard of a helicopter being shot down in the war and American soldiers lost their life, I am reminded of how all the military branches fight for our freedom and give up so much so we can have a free united states. The believes and developments our country was built on and we keep fighting for "what is right" and to totally defend our land and offer such hope to other country. Too seldom we forget all the things that have paid for by all the military in order for us to have the freedom we have. I feel compiled to say How thankful I am for all the men and women that devout their life and career to do such duties in order that we continue to protect our country. Thanks again to all military branches. So as you go through your day or night please remember the things that have been given up and provided to us by our country and the military..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What a morning,,

AS I turned over early this morning and debated to leave early and go on shopping or go back to sleep. Of course the get up early prevailed. I gathered my things and list and make my trek to big box store WM and was thankful because of the heat was only up to 89 degrees with it being earlier in the morning. As the heat has risen quite a bit over the last few weeks, being August in South is usually hot, but now it feels like 110 degrees outside in the heat of the day. Thankfully the store was not that busy and I was able to shop in somewhat peaceful isles. The shopping trip is such an adventure to stock my cabinets and refrigerator full of items needed. This time being able to shop for some of my granddaughters school list was a plus. I survived the trip and was able to return home, unload items and put up. While of course letting the beast of a dog we have out for her morning outing. The dog of course investigates the bags and watches in wonder as what have I brought home now. It is exciting for her I guess. So now tackling this shopping trip and being able get out of the heat is an accomplishment for the day so far. I do have to say I am thankful I have the resources and ability to shop and provide my home and family the things it needs. It is the small things that can bring such joy. As we go through our day remember to notice the small joys we have and the blessings around us.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Enjoying the small things

As I sat her about to write. I view out the window and see the sun beaming down into the mixture of green trees and bushes. I watch as I see a small bird jumping from small limb to limb. As it reminds me being a child and just enjoying life playing outside and skipping and playing free willed and as if no problem in the world. As adults I think it's a lesson we need to remember and practice that each day to enjoy life and be in the moment. To also enjoy the nature we are fortunate to have and the splendid color it all provides.. So for today take a few moments and enjoy the simple things and remember how it was as a child.

Are you valuable or clearanced priced?

I recently saw this posted and find it very much true and something everyone should evaluate especially if you are a woman. Most women from time to time can devalue our self not fully price our self as high as we should. I would encourage everyone to set your price as a very valuable and are very worthy of being high priced.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

If you're not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you've marked yourself down. It's you who determines your worth by what you accept. Get off the clearance rack & get behind the glass where they keep the valuables! Acknowledge your value! If you don't, no one else will!  Only respect yourself so that others will. We are our best example of how we are to be treated. 

Starting the journey

As I begin to start to blog. I ask that you be patient with me as I explore this journey. I think this will be a great way to express myself and share some words or encouragement and exploration. I appreciate your time and interest in this journey. I will share more as time goes on and I expand on this... 

I hope you enjoy this blog and look forward to sharing more with you.