Monday, August 22, 2011

Sour Lemons

If you have never had a sour lemon you are in for a treat. It is so tart and sour too. Needless to say I wouldn't suggest having sour lemons. As it goes lemons are mainly referring to getting a lemon for a car. But if you think about it there are other ways to also have sour lemons, whether it be people in your life that are that way, or a job that is that way for you. Unfortunately having sour lemons isn't just for the poor or the uneducated, it is also for the rich and the educated. It dos not discriminate, it is for all. I highly suggest that if you find yourself stuck with a lemon that you do what you can to get rid of the lemon and work to have more enjoyable people, jobs and or things in your life.  Of course that can be easier said than done but anything worth doing is worth the effort.  A lot of successful people whether it be just successful in your own life, or successful in career and or successful in wealth, lest not forget successful with God in your life, learn the task of weeding out the sour lemons early on. Having the good insight to recognize the sour lemon and then to work to get it out of your life is a good trait indeed.  As they say when life gives you lemons make lemonade. Well I would take it one step forward and say make the best of it which in turn is usually getting rid of all sour lemons. As all fruit the sour fruit is no good and a lot less tasty and yuckier than the fresh ripe fruit. So with that analogy I would say pick your fruit wisely as well as pick the people, job, and influences in your life. All things we surround ourselves with do influence us and have such an impact on us. So add that comedy in your life, or add that encouraging music, book and or people that uplift you and add to your life. Stop all the sour lemons and live a fresher happier life.

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