Wednesday, August 31, 2011

days of our life

With the anniversary of Katrina just over 6 years now, I so remember the days of the hurricane and aftermath so well. As I had always heard stories of Hurricane Camille that hit this same area, I had no way to grasp what it all meant until I went through Katrina. The things we experienced, things we saw, heard, witnessed and visions that stick in our mind today. There isn't enough words to explain the feelings and array of emotions that one experiences when going through an event such as that. Even now the feelings of doom headed our way and mother nature showing her true colors. Watching metal chimneys fall off of roofs and trees dance so violently in the wind. The rain that seemed to go sideways and power lines snapping and items being thrown through the air. We were thrust into a world of days ago with no electricity and not sure of cleanliness of water. The aw sound of silence in the middle of a town at night. The terrible heat that swelled to 90 something during the day. During times as this the strong prevail and forge forward, luckily the weak are usually provided some help. But even the strong are highly affected. Who wouldn't be going through a tragedy such as Katrina. Thankfully for help of family, neighbors, strangers and charitable organizations we make it through. It certainly taught us, changed us and impacted us. As I reflect back I am so blessed to have had help and family during this time.

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