Monday, September 5, 2011

Fall is here

Fall is here for most of the country, along with the windy and rainy weather my part of the country receives, we are also receiving quite a few rain storms and some threats of hurricanes. This time of year it is common to have this kind of weather. Thankfully along with that we do receive some cooler from time to time. Tonight is one of those such nights. As I walked outside and feel the damp cooler weather, I am reminded of fall nights. I remember attending quite a few football games and or basketball games during weather such as this. The crispness to the air is refreshing and a welcome change. I love this time of year where the weather cools and the air seems to become more welcoming. I could just sit outside in it at dawn and night time just enjoying the night. I love the cool breezes that will touch one from time to time. What a joy it is to grab a blanket and curl up in a chair and enjoy the coolness. It makes me yearn for the winter as it will be here sometime either in next couple of months or so.

What a blessing we have to have the freedom to enjoy the pleasures of the our life, which include the weather and the enjoyment of coolness, heat, sometimes rain and snow. Whatever the weather is try to enjoy all the moments in your life. For over an hour this afternoon the electricity went out at my place so I just grabbed a book and listened to my ipod while we waited. It was peaceful and quite for the most part. I forget how pleasing the quietness can be. What joys we have all around us, it is just up to us to enjoy and create all the special moments in our life. Along with that we need the time to recover and regenerate ourselves. Whatever that is for you remember how important it is to continue to carry on with your life in serenity in the way it should go.

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