Thursday, August 4, 2011

What a morning,,

AS I turned over early this morning and debated to leave early and go on shopping or go back to sleep. Of course the get up early prevailed. I gathered my things and list and make my trek to big box store WM and was thankful because of the heat was only up to 89 degrees with it being earlier in the morning. As the heat has risen quite a bit over the last few weeks, being August in South is usually hot, but now it feels like 110 degrees outside in the heat of the day. Thankfully the store was not that busy and I was able to shop in somewhat peaceful isles. The shopping trip is such an adventure to stock my cabinets and refrigerator full of items needed. This time being able to shop for some of my granddaughters school list was a plus. I survived the trip and was able to return home, unload items and put up. While of course letting the beast of a dog we have out for her morning outing. The dog of course investigates the bags and watches in wonder as what have I brought home now. It is exciting for her I guess. So now tackling this shopping trip and being able get out of the heat is an accomplishment for the day so far. I do have to say I am thankful I have the resources and ability to shop and provide my home and family the things it needs. It is the small things that can bring such joy. As we go through our day remember to notice the small joys we have and the blessings around us.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Enjoying the small things

As I sat her about to write. I view out the window and see the sun beaming down into the mixture of green trees and bushes. I watch as I see a small bird jumping from small limb to limb. As it reminds me being a child and just enjoying life playing outside and skipping and playing free willed and as if no problem in the world. As adults I think it's a lesson we need to remember and practice that each day to enjoy life and be in the moment. To also enjoy the nature we are fortunate to have and the splendid color it all provides.. So for today take a few moments and enjoy the simple things and remember how it was as a child.

Are you valuable or clearanced priced?

I recently saw this posted and find it very much true and something everyone should evaluate especially if you are a woman. Most women from time to time can devalue our self not fully price our self as high as we should. I would encourage everyone to set your price as a very valuable and are very worthy of being high priced.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

If you're not being treated with love and respect, check your price tag. Perhaps you've marked yourself down. It's you who determines your worth by what you accept. Get off the clearance rack & get behind the glass where they keep the valuables! Acknowledge your value! If you don't, no one else will!  Only respect yourself so that others will. We are our best example of how we are to be treated. 

Starting the journey

As I begin to start to blog. I ask that you be patient with me as I explore this journey. I think this will be a great way to express myself and share some words or encouragement and exploration. I appreciate your time and interest in this journey. I will share more as time goes on and I expand on this... 

I hope you enjoy this blog and look forward to sharing more with you.