Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The one and only you

I am so thrilled it is beginning to cool off a little at a time. I can't wait for cooler weather and fall. It's refreshing and inviting to have cooler weather especially in a state that is usually hot or at least warm most of the time. 

I happened up on this today and thought it was definitely worth sharing..

The world only gets one you.
You with your gifts.
You with your smile.
You with those things you do.
So take your place,
take your chances,
take this moment to know...
Youve got something to offer.
Something good and right and true.
Something God-given,
Heart-of-Heaven created.
And the rest of us need it, need you.
Oh, you think its no big deal.
Anyone could be that way.
Anyone could do it.
Not true.
Theres just one irreplaceable you.
-God's Heart for You: Embracing Your True Worth as a Woman
We all must value our self and remember we all have a purpose, one that we don't even now we have yet. 
I find it refreshing and inviting to know that I can be used to do wonderful things that God has planned for me.