Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questioning others

If you have ever been married or seriously involved with someone and or questioned a teenager, you have experienced a small taste of interrogation. I have always liked the mystery detective type things and decoding all the parts or information to determine the truth in the facts of what has happened. I find it very interesting to dig into a story and to determine what and how things have happened. IT is something some people just enjoy doing and have a knack for.

The art of interrogation is quite a skill and if lucky enough an inborn talent and skill that one can have. The learned technique of talking to and interrogating an individual is not the bullying and threatening that some might think. IT is a way to talk to and to question, to get the person to talk to you, to get the person within the mind set that you are there listening. Depending on the situation and or ordeal, there are numerous techniques to accomplish what one is looking for. It can be quite personal at times but yet the interrogator has to separate that out and do the task at hand. Being able to become the person interrogating and manage all the conversation is quite draining but a worthy accomplishment when it works well. IT is amazing to me the things that people will talk about and will bring up in that type of situation. The tug and pull and the prying and questioning that takes place is a art of dancing few rarely see. If you have ever wondered what happens to someone that has caused a violation and or been arrested, you would be amazed at what all goes into it. The interrogator will begin to prepare. Let me tell you for the most part there is a group of interrogators working on facts and preparing the needed things to perform the interrogation needed for the situation.

It is task only some can do to properly interrogate and accomplish what needs to be done. Next time if you watch a questioning that might be shown on tv or thru a book or online, pay attention to the dance that is done and to the skill of the interrogator(s).

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