Monday, February 18, 2013

I shall not be moved

As I ran errands and listened to a Natalie Grant Song "Moved" I think that's the name of it anyway. I love riding in car and turning up the music and getting encouragement from Natalie Grants songs. I love her music and songs, they are encouraging and truthful. It's the weekend and time to relax and regain energy for the coming week. I love Fridays and the weekend. It is such a relaxing time and good way to end of the week and begin to start another week. There is a air of relaxation and freedom that seems to come with Friday and the weekend. I like seeing people enjoy their life and get to do somethings they enjoy. Of course there are some that must run errands and buy much needed items that are required for ones life. But overall I hope that most of us remember to enjoy the small moments and create moments to replenish us all.

Just remember life is a journey and it's up to us to make the best of it. Trusting in ourselves and relying on God to lead us in the right direction. I hope everyone has a great weekend and make the most of it.

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